Studio 13/16 - Georges Pompidou Center

First quarter of 2023, Souverain·es has had the privilege to be at the studio 13/16 for 4 months representing the questions of gender, food crisis and climate crisis. I was invited by Richard otparlic presenting his own tarot and workshop on « tarot (re)interpretation » alongside the work of Delphine Denereaz and Valentin Ranger

FR : Discover Souverain·es on BX1

On the 8/02/22 BX1, a Brussels-based channel, invited me to appear on the programme « Autrement« , presented by Cyprien Houdmont. I had the opportunity to chat about tarot alongside Wutangu (an Afro-descendant and queer astrologer and tarot reader), Cathou from the youtube channel ‘cathou tarot‘, her wife ‘Rose Butch (Visual artist) and Chantal Salomoni, a tarologist and therapist who uses the Tarot de Marseille as the basis of her practice.

FR : About Patriarchy & Business schools

In the middle of lockdown, a french business school was again at the center of a polemic. More than the problem of a business school in itself, Les Grenades, a feminist magazine of la RTBF asked me to analyze where the pattern could come from and what are the root causes of violence in such educative environments. A lot has been cut but here are my 2 cents on systemic issues at business schools level.

You will hear me say « As a woman », yes, at that moment I was personally still fighting my internalized transphobia and was not ready to present myself as my true Trans Non-Binary self. I was anyway socialized as a girl (read my book to understand the intricate layers of that story) during 35 years therefore the point of view is still valid.